19 Questions to Ask Your Siblings Before It’s Too Late

Stanley Udegbunam
2 min readAug 8, 2024

Siblings share a special bond that often shapes who we are, yet life can get so busy that we forget to nurture those connections.

It’s easy to let time slip by without really talking about what matters.
Here are 19 thoughtful questions to ask your siblings before it’s too late.

  1. What is your favorite memory of us?
  2. What’s one thing you would change about our childhood?
  3. What childhood memory do you think about often?
  4. Is there anything about our relationship you would like to change?
  5. What was the most challenging experience we faced together, and how did it shape our bond?
  6. Is there something you’d like to say to me but haven’t known how to?
  7. What’s something you got away with as a kid?
  8. What do you hope our future looks like?
  9. What was your favorite game or activity that we used to play together as kids?
  10. What is something you wish we had done together as kids that we never got the chance to?
  11. Do you remember any funny or embarrassing moments from our childhood that still make you laugh?
  12. Is there a particular family tradition or…



Stanley Udegbunam

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